BW Product Development

Project Description

Involved in all aspects of product development from initial concepts to production samples and finished goods, I worked directly with clients and manufacturers to reach a marketable and profitable end result. The majority of these items were made for Boston Warehouse, a wholesale company specializing in whimsical kitchen and cleaning products. I have designed animal shaped mugs, zombie dish scrubbers, skull potholders, plaid dustpans, and more.


Boston Warehouse Trading Corp.

[vc_progress_bar values=”95|Product Development,75|Illustration,85|Packaging Design,” bgcolor=”bar_grey” options=”striped,animated”]
“Geoff is great to work with…a real team player with a great outlook to life and design. He takes pride in his work and it shows. I enjoyed working with him. He is quick, but detailed, and enthusiastic to work with. He is also a great teacher and is patient and eager to help others.”Kellie O'Donnell | Product Manager at Boston Warehouse