Beyond Walls Mural Festival

Project Description

Beyond Walls is a nonprofit creative placemaking company based out of Lynn, Massachusetts. Their Mission, to activate spaces and strengthen communities.

We designed the marketing material for their inaugural Mural Festival in downtown Lynn. From posters and show displays to lanyards and event passes. Grafitti Artist from around the globe joined this program to beautify the bustling downtown area.

The 2017 Mural Festival jump-started three additional initiatives: the installation of 12 pieces of vintage neon artwork, the illumination of three gloomy underpasses utilizing 600 feet of dynamic LED lighting, and securing a sculptural element paying homage to Lynn’s industrial heritage.

Beyond Walls partners with local organizations, municipalities, community members and expert consultants to design, produce and manage projects and programs that infuse public art and creative experiences into underutilized or overlooked spaces.

Photos of the finished walls taken by Robin Lubbock/WBUR

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